The group was founded in December 2005 with a formal constitution. It became affiliated to the National Association for Patient Participation (NAPP) and has since become a registered charity (Charity No. 1125738).
Structure and Organisation
Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month, with an annual meeting taking place in April each year. Formal minutes of each meeting are recorded and circulated to all for approval at the following meeting. Four members form a quorum.
At present there are 12 committee members, including the practice manager and a doctor.
The officers are chairman, vice-chairman, treasurer and secretary.
Membership of Burbage Surgery PPG is open to all patients registered with the surgery irrespective of age, race, gender, disability and ethnicity. Current members of the group are representative of the patients registered with the practice. The PPG currently includes members from the Asian and Afro-Caribbean communities with ages ranging from late 30s to 70s. Applications from younger people, disabled, and BAME (black and minority ethnic) communities are particularly welcome. If anyone wish to join us. Please contact any member of the committee or leave your details at the surgery reception.